KC Golf Show

June 2016 latest

8th June was the first of three visits in 2016 for me to Brockett Hall, its a stunning venue for a Trick Shot Show and what a beautiful summers evening we had too for The Tokio Marine Golf Day
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The following week I was in the Midlands showing the youngsters a trick or two at The 3 hammers Golf Complex shortly followed by a couple local gigs in Clacton and Brentwood.
Still to come in June was The BMW Golf Day at Wildwood GC, The Double Quick Anglia event at Barnham Broom, Bruce Sturrock’s Captain’s Day in Great Yarmouth and also another Double Act Show with Geoff and the one and Only Mr Ian Poulter and his Dreamflight Charity Day. DCIM109GOPRO
Pic above from Wildwood and The BMW Golf Day
Pic below from Double Quick Anglia at Barnham Broom.”DCIM100GOPROG0026295.
DCIM109GOPRO Myself and Swainey joining Poults for his dreamflight charity golf day at Woburn Golf and Country Club.

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