KC Golf Show

Hintlesham Wedding Trick Show – August 2015

Before the August Bank Holiday Wedding Gig, I had Captain’s Days at Clacton-on-Sea and Alberburgh Golf Club…

I played Clacton Golf Club several times as a Junior and have always enjoyed the  course… Club Captain Steve Parkes did a great job with his big day and as for the  weather.., it was glorious, not a breath of wind just baked in hot sunshine..


The weather set the tone for the show, we had a fun afternoon which went long into the evening after the bar-b-que.

Here’s some of the Trick Shot highlights from Clacton Golf Club

Also in glorious sunshine was my visit to Aldeburgh Golf Club. I have Club Professional Kieth Preston to thank for this booking as he kindly reccommended me to the Club Captain and The Committee Members…

I managed to get some great video highlights captured by the drone….


To view the video please click on then link attached Aldeburgh Golf Club

By the middle of the month I was up the A1 to the magnificent Close House in North Umberland. I’ve been to Close House a few times now, its a stunning venue and I look forward to many more visits to the North East.

Close House

My home Club Hintlesham is a cracking venue for a wedding and when Mr & Mrs Rumsby asked if I was available to entertain their guests on the 28th August, I was only to happy to accept and be a part of the Bride & Groom’s special day.





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